Marketing - Baycourt - Where the arts come alive


Baycourt has a dedicated Marketing Coordinator to help you promote your event and increase ticket sales by making the most of everything Tauranga has to offer. We can help you with social media, print and radio advertising, roadside signs and creative promotions.

We offer a range of marketing opportunities included free of charge with your venue hire to help develop your audience. These include:

  • Baycourt website listing
  • Inclusion in our monthly What’s On e-newsletter and targeted EDMs
  • Social media promotions
  • Poster and flyer display at Baycourt
  • Media screen display in our foyer
  • Inclusion in all regular advertising schedules 

We can also recommend additional marketing opportunities. Please contact Baycourt’s Marketing Coordinator for more information.

Download our Marketing Guide (1mb pdf) document for more details on what Baycourt offers.

B40 Whanau Day-145